=== Date Exclusion SEO === Contributors: gtroyal Donate link: http://www.bluecowhosting.com Tags: date exclusion Requires at least: 2.7.0 Tested up to: 2.7.1 Stable tag: trunk Turns off date information after a specified number of days or immediately. Also of removing dates from Category/Tag/Front Pages individually. Alt text for all pages. == Description == Gives your blog a feeling of freshness by turning off the display of date information after a specified number of days or immediately after posting. You also have the option of removing dates from Category and Tag Pages as well as the Front Page of your blog. You also have the option of providing alternative text for each type. You now have the option of turning off specific posts using comma delimited list of post ids. Additionally it allows you to turn on and off the date functions depending on your theme used. == Screenshots == This is what the admn page looks like. == Installation == 1. Upload `date-exclusion-seo.zip` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Unzip file will create date-exclusion-seo subdirectory. 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 4. The Options Menu for Date Exclusion SEO has 5 variables. * Remove Dates From Posts - this will remove ALL dates from posts (overrides Numdays) * Remove Dates from Tag Pages - this will remove dates from tag pages * Remove Dates from Category Pages - this will remove dates from cat pages * Remove Dates from Front Page - this will remove dates from Front page * Number of Days to Expiry: - This will remove the date/time from your post after X days. 0 = off. * turn off specific posts by comma delimited list of post ids * (Optional) add alternative text to replace date functions * (Optional) Turn off each date function depending on theme == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where is the support page? == http://bluecowhosting.com/blog/wordpress-plugins/date-exclusion-seo-plugin = What about foo bar? = If you have foobared it up, delete the plugin directory and try again. Email support@bluecowhosting.com